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July 15, 2022

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Top News of the Day


Amazon Partners With Fred Hutchinson to Create Cancer Vaccine — But ‘Integrity’ of Cancer Research Firm Is Called Into Question


Public ‘Not Being Told the Truth’ About Cellphone Radiation, Attorney Tells RFK, Jr.


20% of Deaths Reported After COVID Vaccines Related to Cardiac Disorders, CDC Data Show


Exclusive: ‘DOD Must End Vaccine Mandate,’ Says Army Doctor Suspended for Writing Exemptions


‘Without Wild Species, Our Whole Planet Unravels,’ Says Author of Biodiversity Report


Congress Plotting $50 Billion ‘No-Strings’ Giveaway to Big Corporations


Latest Omicron Sub-Variant Four Times More Vaccine-Resistant + More


Air Force Barred From Booting Unvaccinated + More


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Children's Health Defense | ChildrensHealthDefense.org

Our mission is to end childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and establish safeguards to prevent future harm.

Children’s Health Defense
852 Franklin Ave., Suite 511
Franklin Lakes, New Jersey 07417
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