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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. vs. Alan Dershowitz: The Great Vaccine Debate!

If you missed the historic debate between Children’s Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz this morning, you can watch it now. 

The two attorneys debated a range of issues including vaccine mandates, the PREP Act, the lack of vaccine safety studies, Jacobson vs. Massachusetts, and HHS’s failure to act on provisions of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. Are compulsory vaccines even legal? Should any government be able to force medical procedures on families? Find out what they think! 


Announcing CHD's First State Chapters—California and New York! 

Children's Health Defense is proud to announce the formation of two new chapters, CHD California and CHD New York. These chapters will provide powerful, unified platforms for advocates to educate the public on key issues and improve policy on a state-by-state basis. 

CHD will assist its chapters in addressing critical issues individual states are facing. These issues include vaccine mandates and other concerns requiring legal remedies such as civil rights violations, censorship, doctors losing licenses for providing valid medical exemptions for children, and children being barred from school despite valid exemptions. "We're excited to bring the brain power and legal clout of CHD to New York," said John Gilmore, founder of CHD New York.


Russia Considers Ban on Smart Phones and Wi-Fi in Schools to Protect Children’s Brains

By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, Children’s Health Defense

On July 17th, Russia’s Health Ministry announced it may soon ban all use of Wi-Fi and cell phones in elementary schools. Russia already limits emissions of nonionizing radiation to 1000x less than we allow in the USA. Numerous studies show profound injuries from Wi-fi including oxidative stress, sperm/testicular damage, neuropsychiatric effects including EEG changes, apoptosis (cell death), cellular DNA damage, endocrine changes, and calcium overload. Leading scientists and medical associations have called to ban the use of Wi-Fi in schools by switching to wired networks.


COVID-19 and the Immune System—A Healthy Dose of Contagion Reality

By Dr. Alan Palmer, Guest Contributor

Does exposure to a germ mean a person is destined to “catch” the disease or become “infected”? Does the germ have all the power to control his/her fate? Or, is the person who is exposed a receptive host? Is their immune system a fine-tuned machine, or weak and insufficient? In other words, is their level of resistance to the exposure high or low?

By focusing so frantically on lockdowns, social distancing, and mask mandates— universally avoiding exposure to the virus— government policy and subsequent media coverage have completely ignored the reality that exposure alone is a relatively insignificant factor in serious illness and death. Here's a refresher on how the immune system works and what this means for Covid-19 protections.


A Second Chance!—Do You or Your Child Really Need an HPV Vaccine? Experts Explore the Risks

What is HPV? What is the connection between HPV and cancer? Are there data and statistics I should be aware of? 

These are just a few of the topics that were covered in CHD's first informational webinar led by world renowned OBGYN & Author Dr. Christiane Northrup and  attorneys Mary Holland and Kim Mack Rosenberg, co-authors of “HPV Vaccine on Trial: Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed.”

Now you have a second chance to watch and get facts and answers from the experts!


Government and industry combine to downplay the science on cell phone danger

By Mark Leno and Ellie Marks, San Francisco Chronicle

For the past six years since the City of Berkeley CA adopted an ordinance requiring point-of-sale notice on potential health dangers, the same warning which is in the user manuals, the wireless industry lobby association has been ruthlessly fighting the city in courts. The question is why does the FCC aggressively defend this multi-billion dollar industry that it is mandated by Congress to regulate?


Oxford Epidemiologists: Suppression Strategy is Not Viable

Learn more about the current state of the pandemic and the direction it's headed in this compelling conversation. UnHerd's Freddie Sayers invited Oxford epidemiologists Professor Carl Heneghan and his Centre for Evidence Based Medicine colleague Tom Jefferson to join him in a wide-ranging discussion on masks, suppression, the lockdown, the politics and more.


The people with hidden immunity against Covid-19

By Zaria Gorvett, BBC

The clues have been mounting for a while. First, scientists discovered patients who had recovered from infection with Covid-19, but mysteriously didn’t have any antibodies against it. Next it emerged that this might be the case for a significant number of people. Then came the finding that many of those who do develop antibodies seem to lose them again after just a few months.

In short, though antibodies have proved invaluable for tracking the spread of the pandemic, they might not have the leading role in immunity that we once thought. If we are going to acquire long-term protection, it looks increasingly like it might have to come from somewhere else...This could be the T cell’s big moment.


News on 5G and Wireless Harms


News From Around the World


In the U.S. News ... 


The Virus, the Vaccine, the Quarantine: The Week's Best News & Science 


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Children's Health Defense | ChildrensHealthDefense.org

Our mission is to end the childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and establish safeguards so this never happens again.

Children's Health Defense
1227 North Peachtree Pkwy, Suite 202
Peachtree City, Georgia 30269
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