Regardless of where you live, you can help! New York State has been at the epicenter of coronavirus cases and deaths. In response, on May 13, the New York State Bar Association issued a Report of its Health Law Section Task Force on COVID-19. The 84-page Report is generally helpful, covering issues of ethics, provider systems and issues, contract management and the workforce. On the topic of vaccination, however, the Report strays from common sense into rank salesmanship, attempting to sell people on the idea of COVID-19 vaccine mandates for every man, woman and child in New York State and the country. This is a shocking recommendation with no mention of safety, informed consent or the right to refuse unwanted medical interventions. No COVID-19 vaccines exist today; the infection rate is declining and may never recur; safety and efficacy are completely unproven for vaccines that don’t exist, and yet this Report attempts to sell coercive medicine as a good idea. - Send an email to the New York State Bar Association.
- Sign CHD's petition to let NYSBA know that you oppose coercive vaccine mandates.
- Come to Albany this Saturday, June 13.
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