Dear Friend, California’s SB866 was scheduled for a vote on Monday, June 6. The good news is the Assembly never brought it to the floor for a vote. The bad news is they could bring it for a vote on Thursday, June 9. This brief reprieve is the perfect opportunity to express your opinion on SB866! If this bill passes, minors as young as 12 years old can consent to vaccination without parental knowledge or consent, exposing them to unnecessary risk, coercion, and harm. Like all medical procedures, vaccines come with risks. Children this age lack the maturity to thoroughly comprehend and communicate their medical history, including past reactions to vaccines. Parents must be allowed to be the final decision-makers for their children’s medical care. A similar bill in Washington, D.C., was struck down by a federal judge. The California bill is already being targeted for litigation if it passes. Make sure that the assembly members know this fact. We need our defenders to take action to protect the children of California and tell your legislators what you think. Sincerely, The Children’s Health Defense Team |